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Radical Candor: How to Get What You Want by Saying What You Mean
Audible Hörbuch
– Ungekürzte Ausgabe
Read by the author, Kim Scott
A practical guide to those bewildered or exhausted by management, written for bosses and those who manage bosses. Drawing on years of first-hand experience, Radical Candor shows you how to be successful while retaining your integrity and humanity. From Kim Scott, former manager at Google and Apple, and CEO coach to Silicon Valley.
'Reading Radical Candor will help you build, lead, and inspire teams to do the best work of their lives' – Sheryl Sandberg, former chief operating officer at Meta (Facebook) and author of Lean In
If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all . . . right?
While this advice may work for home life, as Kim Scott has seen first hand, it is a disaster when adopted by managers in the work place.
Scott earned her stripes as a highly successful manager at Google before moving to Apple where she developed a class on optimal management. Radical Candor draws directly on her experiences at these cutting edge companies to reveal a new approach to effective management that delivers huge success by inspiring teams to work better together by embracing fierce conversations.
Radical Candor is the sweet spot between managers who are obnoxiously aggressive on the one side and ruinously empathetic on the other. It is about providing guidance, which involves a mix of praise as well as criticism – delivered to produce better results and help your employees develop their skills and increase success.
Great bosses have a strong relationship with their employees, and Scott has identified three simple principles for building better relationships with your employees:
- Make it personal
- Get stuff done
- Understand why it matters
Radical Candor is the perfect handbook for those who are looking to find meaning in their job and create an environment where people love both their work and their colleagues, and are motivated to strive to ever greater success.
'If you manage people - whether it be 1 person or a 1,000 - you need Radical Candor. Now' – Daniel H. Pink, author of the New York Times bestseller Drive
- Spieldauer9 Stunden und 23 Minuten
- Erscheinungsdatum8. März 2018
- SpracheEnglisch
- ASINB07957LDZ4
- VersionUngekürzte Ausgabe
- FormatHörbuch
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Du erhältst das Audible-Hörbuch zum reduzierten Preis von EUR 9,95, nachdem du das Kindle eBook gekauft haben.
Spieldauer | 9 Stunden und 23 Minuten |
Geschrieben von | Kim Scott |
Gesprochen von | Kim Scott |
Whispersync for Voice | Verfügbar |
Audible.de Erscheinungsdatum | 08 März 2018 |
Verlag | Macmillan Digital Audio |
Format | Hörbuch |
Version | Ungekürzte Ausgabe |
Sprache | Englisch |
ASIN | B07957LDZ4 |
Amazon Bestseller-Rang | Nr. 9.999 in Audible Hörbücher & Originals (Siehe Top 100 in Audible Hörbücher & Originals) Nr. 20 in Unternehmenskultur (Bücher) Nr. 25 in Arbeitsplatz- & Organisationsverhalten Nr. 99 in Management & Leadership |
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Derzeit tritt ein Problem beim Filtern der Rezensionen auf. Bitte versuche es später erneut.
- Bewertet in Deutschland am 30. Oktober 2023Das Buch ist auf Englisch und bietet unfassbar viele Anreize für Feedback, Ansprachen, Ansichten etc.
Ich wollte weg von der Sandwich Methode und bin hiermit fündig geworden. Das Buch bietet sehr gute und neue Ansätze. Ich kann es nur empfehlen, gleichzeitig kann man sein Englisch deutlich verbessern.
- Bewertet in Deutschland am 18. Dezember 2023Wish everyone leading or working in teams would read this. Great book, great approach.
- Bewertet in Deutschland am 3. Juli 2023The book is full of repetitive words and it makes it hard to follow the idea, there are passages where each other line has a “Radical candor” and every other one word “relationship” in it.
- Bewertet in Deutschland am 28. August 2017Kim Scott's book is one of the best books I've recently read. It's a marvellous read on managing people. I'd recommend it if you are a people manager or if you want to coach others who manage people.
I'd summarize it by saying it takes a teaching and mentoring approach to management, very much of the school that managers primarily exist to help the people on their team.
Kim's advice is both practical and actionable, with specific advice for running 1:1s and meetings, and focused how to encourage conversations where people strive to improve themselves as well as helping others.
- Bewertet in Deutschland am 28. Mai 2017Ich habe das Buch gehört, nicht gelesen - aber es hat mich so beeindruckt, dass ich mir dann die gedruckte Fassung auch noch gekauft habe. Die Kombination aus "Challenge" und "Care" ist so treffend und passend - schon allein daraus lässt sich ganz viel über Führung lernen. Dazu ist das Buch praktisch, bietet viele Tipps und Ideen, deckt also von der Leadership-Theorie bis zur Praxis alles ab - und die persönlichen Geschichten der Autorin machen es noch einmal wertvoller.
Für mich eines DER besten Leadership-Bücher der vergangenen Jahre!!!
- Bewertet in Deutschland am 31. Juli 2022I suck at being a manager. This book gave me playbook.
It must have tool for all managers or to be.
- Bewertet in Deutschland am 28. Juli 2024I saw Kim do a very good presentation and then I bought her book for more inspiration. A super big disappointment with few helpful tools and inputs. The book is all about her and not much more than that.
- Bewertet in Deutschland am 10. September 2024This edition should come with a microscope. Otherwise it's impossible to read, so tiny is the font.
Spitzenrezensionen aus anderen Ländern
CharlieBewertet in Großbritannien am 1. März 2025
5,0 von 5 Sternen Intersting
Interesting read.
Some thought provoking points through out.
Ema FreitasBewertet in Italien am 11. Dezember 2024
5,0 von 5 Sternen Great book
Arrived in time.
NATO CIS GROUPÜberprüft in Belgien am 4. Oktober 2023
5,0 von 5 Sternen super ok
Aditya WagleBewertet in Indien am 18. September 2020
5,0 von 5 Sternen Great for managers but tread carefully when practicing
Really good book to help you build your own management style. Do not consider this book as a bible and I do recommend reading more management books to create your own style. The tools provided are really good to get started to build highly effective teams which trust each other. Not everyone likes Radically candid people so tread carefully when practicing in real life.
cesar carneiro pennaBewertet in Brasilien am 28. Juni 2017
5,0 von 5 Sternen Relentless focus on ones on ones combined with a fearless disposition of sharing some of Google's, Apple's –among others– manage
On this book Kim Scott was able to piece together everything she has learned about business into a complete and cohesive model on how to manage based on three pillars: to care personally; to confront directly; to practice all sorts of 1:1s.
I intensively study management practices, but it wasn't until last year that I had management experience with more than five direct reports. In 2016 I started a company in which I had 20 direct reports. I tried what I now know is called a "Ruinous Empathy" approach. I thought that just caring and showing that to employees would bring open conversations to the table. Interesting thing is that people loved me, but soon things started getting out of control. That's when I started an "Obnoxious Agression" approach, fired some of them and stopped caring so much ( now I know I share great part of responsibility for what happened there). As you may have noticed both approaches lack a delicate kind of balance. That is the balance Kim Scott tries so hard to achieve with her method and I can understand perfectly why.
Here you'll find insightful quotations from world's leaders sharing their beliefs.
Moreover, you'll often find phrases on the following format: "you might think you don't have the time to___, but ___" . That means the model here presented requires an intensive focus on people. You'll need skills, time and dedication for it to work out. I can not state if it works, but it is definitely a north to follow and seems to be doing really good to me. It reminded me of the transformative experience it was reading Carol Dweck's Mindset.
Let me help you grasp what this book is really about with more concrete terms. Here, you will read about:
Hiring: getting to know the candidate behind the mask as much as possible in a short period of time.
Firing: doing what is best for the employee, not the company.
Giving/Receiving Feedbacks How to deal with biases, corporate structure, trust, openness, humility.
Putting people on the right jobs: Are the hungry for growth or for improving on what they do now?
Meetings: Establishing structured meetings with clear purposes, facilitating meetings, setting it out on a corporate agenda.
Dig further (Some of the books that Radical Candor reminded me)::
On conversation: Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High- Kerry Patterson
On meetings: Moments of Impact: How to Design Strategic Conversations That Accelerate Change- Chris Ertel ; Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable about Solving the Most Painful; Problem in Business- Patrick Lencioni ; Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days - Jake Knapp
On Productivity: Scrum - Jeff Sutherland
Getting Buy in: Buy-In: Saving Your Good Idea from Getting Shot Down
On Change Management: Leading Change -John .P Kotter.
Humble Conversations
Creativity - Ed Catmull