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Cartography (English Edition) [Print Replica] Kindle Ausgabe
"Cartography" is a book about the absurd relationship between the political definition of spaces and the existence of individuals. It consists of a short story describing the author's journeys in two different parts of the world and in different times - the first in North America in the 1990s and the second in the Middle East 20 years later - as well as graphic elements, photographs and words integrated into the structure of the story.
The story describes the author's encounters with various people (and birds) in the border regions of the countries. They are in the situation of crossing the border to find their own place, but the absurdity of the politics that control these spaces leads them into a confusion of their purposes and identities. Although the story includes some tragic events in real history, the expectations of drama that often appear in the story always end in irony in ordinary life. The journeys of the migrants, travellers and wanderers described here turn out to be journeys into the indefinable space charted on an empty map.
The printed version of this book is bilingual in English and Japanese, with the English pages running from left to right and the Japanese pages vice versa. Thus the same story in different languages runs from both sides of the book to meet in the middle and end there, sharing the same spread. The parallel existence of two languages without hierarchy in a book suggests different interpretations of spaces and their incompatibility. As the bound book form itself is integral to the work and cannot be reproduced as an e-book, only the English text is provided here. The printed book can be ordered from the author's website.
- SpracheEnglisch
- Erscheinungstermin23. August 2023
- Dateigröße604 KB
Kindle Fire Tablets
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Problem beim Laden der Informationen
- Sprache : Englisch
- Dateigröße : 604 KB
- Gleichzeitige Verwendung von Geräten : Keine Einschränkung
- Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) : Nicht aktiviert
- Verbesserter Schriftsatz : Nicht aktiviert
- X-Ray : Nicht aktiviert
- Word Wise : Nicht aktiviert
- Format : Replika drucken
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